The Parish Church of St Mary, Rye

Organ Restoration


The organ as we see it today was organbuilt by Norman & Beard of Norwich in 1901 and moved to its present position in 1911, having started life in the south transept. The case of the organ on the front and west sides was designed by Sir Thomas Jackson, who is best known for his architectural work in the colleges and university of Oxford. It was built for the sum of £871, the original estimate being £600, so even in those days costs did escalate! It cost a further £145 to move the organ in 1911. If it were to be built today the cost would be nearer to £400.000!

The organ consists of three manuals and pedals with 1686 pipes, the largest being 16ft and the smallest a few inches. Several of the individual stops were added at various times in it's life, the last being the trombone stop in 1978 in memory of Canon Williams. It is an early example of Norman & Beard's exhaust pneumatic technology, the key action is pneumatic whilst the stop action is mechanical with a mechanical composition pedal system rather than pneumatic thumb pistons. Originally the wind was supplied by two handles but this has been replaced by an electric pump which is found in its own chamber below the vestry floor.

Norman  BeardMost instruments by Norman & Beard were smooth in tone and rather dull to modern ears, but here at Rye the reeds and upper flue work are bright and much the better for it.

We do therefore need to preserve this worthy example for the future so that the church and those that use it can have the benefit of this fine instrument. To this end the Friends of St Mary's are seriously engaged in raising the money to pay for a complete overhaul and refurbishment of the organ. The expected cost is an eye-watering £130,000, but this will give Rye a top quality church pipe organ. Rye's organ will become increasingly special as other parishes convert to electronic organs, which offer some advantages, but can never match the real thing.

We currently have a shortfall of £25,000 which we somehow will have to raise.

UPDATE: The Organ is currently being painstakingly rebuilt and is expected to be completed by the end of April. During the first half of May tuning will take place and will be done in time for the Friends AGM on May 29th when our organist, Geoffrey Harris, will give a recital.


How can you help?

  • The Churchwardens
  • St Mary's Church
  • Church Square, Rye
  • East Sussex
  • TN31 7HF

01797 222318 (Administrator)